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If you are a member and having any trouble logging in email

If you would like to add any new material to our site also email the above address. Will be setting up a new page devoted to posting new information.

If you are having problems logging in , it may be due to Browser problems

WordPress works best with either Chrome or Microsoft Edge Browsers

A member was not able to login with Firefox but is successfult with Chrome.

October WFA Board Meeting

Had a robust Board Meeting on Oct 10.

Thanks to our Board Members for keeping our Association going.

And thinks to some interested Members who also joined us at the zoom meeting.

Making a lot of progress this year adding Foster Clay Whiteside’s Family 1000 documents. They have been scanned and converted to one document of the 1st 7 generations. The document , although in Foster Clay’s handwriting , is in a searchable PDF form and available to members on the website. Subsequent Generations are being converted as well but will have limited access due to living members of the family in generations 8 and above. If you have questions about these later descendents contact a WFA Board Member and we will try to assist your research.

Bill R’s Files on the Family Numbers for the most part are loaded on the website. There are combined files, single files and we are still filling in some gaps. Bill R also has a myriad of other files on the Whiteside Family that will also be added to the website over time.

The new website is up and running. There will be bumps here and there but all in all it has a wealth of information for those researching the various Whiteside Families. If you have problems with logging in our have any other questions drop the webmaster a line at : Finally , big thanks to Arliss Whiteside for running the old website for many years. He has been instrumental in leading in forming this new website as well.

New Family Number Files

Have loaded combined PDF’s for the first 130 or so Family numbers.

These files were primarily products of William R Whiteside.

We are forever in his debt to Bill R and his family for this donation.